Monday, July 12, 2010

The Launch

The Military Network is now in search of outstanding Military non-fiction films and documentaries depicting all wars throughout history.

This is your chance to have your film or documentary
seen by a large audience – and get paid for it!

Send your film for review and, if selected, it will be featured
in The Military Network on Hulu. Selected films will be paid
25% of gross revenue from Hulu.


Emily said...

This is awesome !! I can't wait !!

Anonymous said...

I have been a history buff for the past 30 years. I love military history especially and I can't wait to see all the great military documentaries on hulu. Thanks Military Network!!!

Anonymous said...

This is gonna be the coolest thing since sliced bread!

Anonymous said...

There is a DVD now available from Netflix et al that shows footage of WWII never shown on TV before. Its about how inept
the French were to resist invasion and how the wealthy embraced the Nazi's soon after they arrived. Its called "The Sorry and the Pity" it was banned in France for over 20 years!!!

Anonymous said...

I like the idea. But seriously, you want filmmakers to pay you a fee, higher than nearly all submission contests, so you can consider airing their work? A fee that's the same if you are a CBS producing a 4 hour documentary or a student who made a 2 minute short? You want to get a quality network going with those guidelines? If you want to do a quality channel, get the best programming - period. If you want to be a contest, be one with a set screening period or have one inside your programming. But trying to create a channel as on ongoing contest where there are contests far more prestigious that cost less as well as on air viewing available with millions of viewers (youtube!) that's free? Also, if a show airs on your channel, it's far less likely to get or even be eligible for any other type of distribution. You become the end place of distribution, not the pinnacle. Hmmm... I wonder if this goes up on your blog.

Anonymous said...

Any show on Navy Seabee's

Anonymous said...

I wanted to vote on the Top Ten Shock And Awe weaphons, but was unable to find where to vote. I went to military but it wasn't there and it isn't here.
Where do you do it?

Anonymous said...

I love the military channel 259. You get to see some really cool things like WW2 planes and history and modern weaphons. I've learned a lot of things like Hitler sending jet engine technology to Japan on a sub and the sub sunk, the U.S. was planning to drop a-bombs on Germany but VE Day came before that happened. I was also fascinated by German flying saucer development. It makes you wonder about UFO sightings.


Anonymous said...

Are you still charging filmmakers to submit a movie? If so, then your network deserves to fail. This policy of yours is a ripoff.